100 Years of Ingratitude
So right now as I type this, we've got this big wet thing hovering over Sydney. It flooded South East Queensland, submerged Lismore, traveled down the coast spreading its nurturing-but-destructive rain. The Premier Domicron Perrottet said it was a once in a thousand year rain and you have to ask yourself just what kind of luck puts you in such a meteorological miracle.... unless it's not miraculous but entirely man-made through the inconvenient truth of Global Warming? After all if all those ice sheets melted in Antarctica, where exactly was all that water going to go?
If you have a long memory you might recall there were once-in-a-hundred-year flood in the 2000s. Some years later there were floods exactly like it, and people started asking that maybe this was something else. And really that was 11 years ago and I'm writing the same old thing. No growth here - but partly, there's really been not enough movement on the discourse in comparison to the growing threat posed by Global Warming.
Our politicians are largely garbage. Both sides are gormless skanks for ink and votes but hardly heroic or visionary. As such we have nothing to be thankful for when they some times do the right thing. Even the lauded on the left like Julia Gillard promised she wouldn't do anything about Global Warming as her one election campaign. The rightist government that replaced that Labor government has been busy nailing down the coffin that used to be our future. What have we as a people to be grateful for when our houses wash away or burn down in mega fires caused by Global Warming? What exactly should our gratitude look like ink light of our crappy politicians?
Anyway... It's been a weird summer of most entirely rainy days with a few sunny days spotted in-between ten day stretches of rain. The longest such stretch I could think of was back in 1985 when Sydney rained for 40 days straight but it's not like it rained like that for the rest of that year. Of course, this year's rain is the La Nina effect where we get the rain that normally falls in South America. As such, Chile correspondingly has a drought. I bet they're hating every minute of it.
All of this reminds us of 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' where the town of Macondo suffers a drought for decades, and then this is followed up with non-stop rain for decades. What was once magic realism and hyperbole in fiction is now a permanent state of reality.
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