
Annastacia's Coal Mine

A Quick RIP Eddie Note

I feel I ought to write something briefly about the passing of Eddie Van Halen. The outpouring of grief is palpable around the world. Unlikely people have come forward to offer up their condolences - like the Cabinet Secretary of the Government of Japan who says he is the same age as Eddie and feels the loss deeply. We're all devastated by the loss, but I've felt for a long while now that this day would come, sooner or later.

Maybe it was the photo he shared from his treatment in Switzerland where he looked like a shrivelled gnome. It was sad and a horrible indicator that he was losing that battle. After all, who goes to expensive specialists in Switzerland except those in desperate straits or the incurably crazy? 

As such I find myself feeling a weird blank sorrow more than a mordant grief or gargantuan attack of sadness. He wasn't well for a long while now - we should have known it was bad. 

May he rest in peace.  

I'll try and post something a bit more detailed later in the week. 

Bad Decisions Writ Large

This is a song about the stupid decision to proceed with the Adani Mine. In times like this where forests around the world are going up in flames, it seems cavalier-stupid to want to continue digging up ever more fossil fuels to satisfy an imaginary need that won't be of use even in 5years' time. 

There's not much more to it than that. 

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