
'Sure Know How To Pick'em Blues'

A Bit More Out On A Limb

Everybody has a psycho ex. Mine is particularly so. I don't want to elaborate on it too much but it got me thinking about the kinds of crazy you do meet along the way in life. Crazy people have a way of fucking you up in life. You don't see it coming because most people are rational so they cannot put crazy into their calculations. Thus when some crazy person unleashes hellfire of insanity in your life, you are not one to know just from how deep in hell the insanity comes, and where the hell it's all going.

One of my friends Darren who got divorced recently had the unique experience of getting together with three psychos in a row, before settling down to marry the fourth. Maybe he attracted crazy; maybe he picked crazy people subconsciously because he secretly enjoyed the drama; no matter, all these women combined to truly fuck up his life, one after the other after the other. Quite the costly exercise if you ask me.

The first time it happens, you sort of wonder what the hell is going on with your friend. The second time it happens you lament his bad luck. The third and fourth time you begin to see maybe he's just crashing by design. It's hard to tell with your friends - and really, if your friend is extra rational, it's even harder to see how these things come to be.

All that said, the taste that crazy leaves in everybody's mouth is different. When I reflect on my crazy girlfriend experience, I get a maudlin remorse of "what the fuck was I thinking?"
I don't know about other folks and their crazy-ex experience, but I think that is good enough reason to be the basis of a blues song.

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