
Vega V - Planet of the Empaths

Got A New Bunch of Songs Out

Yes, it's that time again where I've released some more material.
This album is a collection of songs that used to be in the repertoire of my old old old band Vega V. These songs fell by the wayside as the band evolved and got different members and roles changed. These songs were always kind of fun to play, except they stopped fitting the concept of the band, and so they went into the bottom drawer where such songs go to sleep.
I guess I never gave up on these songs.

I think I read somewhere where Pete Townshend was talking about how he is attached to the songs from the earliest part of his oeuvre. It makes sense - the earliest songs are the songs where the most natural inclinations of the artist come out in the most natural way. It's the songs after no.100 that get very difficult for all parties, including the artist. The artist has to stretch harder contort harder, reach harder, in order to find new material that is satisfying that also has some kind of continuity - no matter how tenuous - to the material that came before. not to compare myself to titans like Pete Townshend or a God like J.S. Bach, but after a thousand and eighty odd bits of composed music, it's no wonder 'Art of the Fugue' is the most convoluted, baroque piece by Bach. Everybody else gets weirded out way before they get to 1080 bits of music.

Speaking for myself, after a mere measly three hundred or so, I decided to go back and re-explore my earliest bits of music. This is the stuff I was doing before I completely weirded myself out. These are the songs from long before I stopped making sense to myself; a time back when where I could spell out each chord and they would mesh, euphonious, into the next chord.

So, there they are, recorded and mixed with the help of 21st Century tech and knowhow, brought back to life like some dinosaur in Jurassic Park. You can squiz through the discography on the sidebar for track names, but better still, just head on over to Spotify or iTunes or Google Play where all digital releases go nowadays.

After all, every play counts.

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