Ex-Cardinal George Fucking Pell, Pederast
I've not blogged anything serious in a long while and the main reason for that is I got burnt out by the stupidity of politics. There's only so much Tony Abbott and climate change denialism and rank class warfare one can take, beyond which came the presidency of Donald Trump. After all of that was the spectacle of various Royal Commissions that laid bare how morally bankrupt our society had become, when it came to making money and getting away with illicit crimes.
Yet, today of all days kind of moved me to blog this date in history. For today is the day Ex-Cardinal George Fucking Pell finds himself in prison for having molested choirboys in the 1990s, while he negotiated away the issue of the Catholic Church's culpability in protecting pederast priests. The irony is simply too much. And if that weren't enough, the Ex-Cardinal got himself excellent character references from two former Prime Minsters of this land.
I am not a wowser. If anything I hate wowsers, so I find myself pleasantly delighted that a man who was the arch-wowser of our times was found out to be exactly the sort of sinner he excoriated from his bully pulpit. The irony is simply too beautiful not to go without being remarked upon. As obvious it is - like the sun in broad day light, really, - this was one man who ought not to have - pardon the phrase - pontificated on the ills of homosexuality when he himself was sticking his penis into the mouths of boys. And I don't for even a single moment mean to suggest it would have somehow been better had he had stuck his dick into the mouths of girls, no, no, no!
And Pell (which is a contraction for Pederast in hell) still insists he is innocent and that he intends to appeal. His lawyer sought a lighter sentence on the grounds that it was a 'vanilla' kind of transgression. Clearly the good counsel has not heard the joke about fucking one goat. It doesn't matter that it only lasted six minutes long, you get judged on the act itself for a reason.
A Father Brennan sought to cast doubt on the judgment itself by suggesting it was impossible to get a penis out to stick it into the mouth of a choirboy from under a Cardinal's robes. It's quite funny because the defence amounts to the same as the idiotic joke wherein it is claimed rapes are impossible because men with trousers around their ankles cannot run after women with the skirts up. It is as if the Catholic Church fraternity have learnt absolutely nothing from the Royal Commission, or the trial and verdict of George Fucking Pell. Creating plausible deniability is hardly the way into the Kingdom of God, Father Brennan.
Two Arseholes in Search of (De-)Meaning
That brings me to the two idiots, the Dishonourable John Howard and Despicable Tony Abbott.
As for the two former Prime Minsters who provided character references, it suggests more about them than it endorses the character of George Fucking Pell. After all, how can they claim their opinions of the man are unchanged in spite of the verdict? Are they thumbing their noses at the court? Are they casting doubt on the system of justice that leans upon jurors? Are they oblivious to the cries of the victims of sexual abuse? Or are they simply dirty old white men circling the wagons around their fellow white man with a conservative weasel mind and a willingness to forgive the errant penis?
In short, have they no embarrassment that they are endorsing a man who shoved his penis down the maws of thirteen year old boys entrusted in his care?
And the answer is clearly not; not, one, bit.
Here's the thing about these men Abbott and Howard. They created the Australia that needed these Royal Commissions. The Royal Commission into banking and insurance had to be done because both of their governments underfunded ASIC and APRA, and came up with terms by which they couldn't go after the most egregious offenders. The Royal Commission in to child abuse by institutions came up because both men presided over governments that privatised out foster care to religious organs, and never looked too hard into the problems when they were Prime Minster. Even the current Royal Commission into Aged Care emerges from the cutting health care budgets and privatising out care for profiteers. The Royal Commission to come on Disability Patients will show the same issue - that successive governments have privatised care out to private profiteers without accountability, and this has resulted in terrible abuse of the most vulnerable.
In fact, these two men contributed greatly to the environment where the Royal Commission were needed because of their polarising politics. The continued cultural wars waged by these two men made it impossible to govern the country in any sensible way. This meant government oversight was limited, understanding dim, knowledge scanty, and mostly blind to abuses in all these areas. All of this was done in the name of fiscal responsibility and tight budgets with a surplus, damn the consequences. Well, the consequences have come home to roost, and none of these Royal Commissions have painted a positive picture of the Federal Government as run by the Coalition.
Really, these men ought to have their platforms taken away in the same way Kevin Spacey had his taken away. They have nothing positive to contribute in public life if what they want to do with their platform is to endorse George Fucking Pell's character. In most parts of our society, you don't get to claim to have character once you've been convicted of pedophilia.
Even Ray Hadlee thought it was a bit much. And I think Ray Hadlee is a bit much - but that's another rant entirely.
The 121st Day In Sodom
The other ironic thing is that all these people wanted Pier Pasolini's 'Salo' banned. Howard, Abbott, Pell, and Hadlee. Fuck freedom of speech, let's just censor a film based on the Marquis de Sade's big opus, they said. Isn't power to control what other people se or watch corrosive? Probably more than the things they seek to ban.
If you've read '120 Days of Sodom', you would know that a Mayor, a banker, a judged and a bishop get together and create their own little sadistic sex slave haven, and a lot of times spent sexually abusing minors. It's a terrible book, really, except for one thing: it shows us the relationship between the ability of power to corrupt and the libido itself. De Sade wrote this stuff a good half century before Freud, and Co. really nailed his targets. So much so they had his book banned and had De Sade locked up in the Bastille.
It's especially funny to think upon this because if anybody was the highest priest of the land, it was George Fucking Pell, and he turned out to be exactly the kind of monster De Sade said he would be. John Howard is singularly without insight so he is too stupid to understand how it might have happened that his good friend George Fucking Pell turned out to be a monster. Tony Abbott, I suspect knows better, for I suspect Tony Abbott himself is psychosexually perverted by power, and that is why he has remained in Parliament. Being in Parliament being Tony Abbott the wrecker, fuels his libido. It helps him bang Peta Credlin better.
In any case, we now understand better who these men are, thanks to the Marquis de Sade. Don't ever tell me banning his works is a good idea.
How Can Catholics Stay Catholics In This Country After This?
Look, I always bag out religion because I think they're all suspect. That being said, I don't know how Catholics in this country can stay Catholics after a Cardinal has been found to have not only protected pedophile priests, minimised financial pay outs to victims of pedophile priests, and removed the church itself from being sued for damages by those it abused, but also personally abused choir boys in his care?
How can you be okay going back to this church and confessing in the booth to a bunch of people you can no longer trust? Logically, one would look for a personal connection to God that doesn't involve going through priests, and of course that's exactly how the Reformation began. That's just logic, though.
If I were in the Vatican looking at all this, I'd be more than little worried about where Catholicism can go in Australia after this. I guess bullshit is eternal, and I need not worry about the emotional well-being of Catholics, but it has to be said, going back to Church on Sunday would be misconstrued by the rest of society as tacitly supporting these arsehole priests who would protect pedophiles in their ranks.
I mean, are you really going to be okay with that? If so, how fucking low are you willing to go as a society? I'll tell you how low I'm willing to go. From now on, I'm not going to hesitate to ask any Catholic priest how many pedophiles they personally know about and whom they're protecting.
The World Is Stupider Than You Hope
I just want to note Donald Trump is in Hanoi talking to Kim Jong-Un in hopes of reaching a nuclear detente. It won't happen because they're too far apart. All the while Trump's former lawyer who flipped on him was bagging him out in Congress. If you thought that whole scenario wasn't crazy enough, India and Pakistan have started a shooting war without actually calling it a war. Imran Khan was on TV asking to meet the Indian Prime Minister. Who knows if that would work. It would be ironic if World War III started over Kashmir between India and Pakistan exactly while the more likely culprits in Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un were busy trying to defuse the bomb they made.
That's how deeply in the clutches of stupidity we have ended. Way to go world!
Hey don't look at me. I didn't make it like this.
Vega V - Planet of the Empaths
Got A New Bunch of Songs Out
Yes, it's that time again where I've released some more material.
This album is a collection of songs that used to be in the repertoire of my old old old band Vega V. These songs fell by the wayside as the band evolved and got different members and roles changed. These songs were always kind of fun to play, except they stopped fitting the concept of the band, and so they went into the bottom drawer where such songs go to sleep.
I guess I never gave up on these songs.
I think I read somewhere where Pete Townshend was talking about how he is attached to the songs from the earliest part of his oeuvre. It makes sense - the earliest songs are the songs where the most natural inclinations of the artist come out in the most natural way. It's the songs after no.100 that get very difficult for all parties, including the artist. The artist has to stretch harder contort harder, reach harder, in order to find new material that is satisfying that also has some kind of continuity - no matter how tenuous - to the material that came before. not to compare myself to titans like Pete Townshend or a God like J.S. Bach, but after a thousand and eighty odd bits of composed music, it's no wonder 'Art of the Fugue' is the most convoluted, baroque piece by Bach. Everybody else gets weirded out way before they get to 1080 bits of music.
Speaking for myself, after a mere measly three hundred or so, I decided to go back and re-explore my earliest bits of music. This is the stuff I was doing before I completely weirded myself out. These are the songs from long before I stopped making sense to myself; a time back when where I could spell out each chord and they would mesh, euphonious, into the next chord.
So, there they are, recorded and mixed with the help of 21st Century tech and knowhow, brought back to life like some dinosaur in Jurassic Park. You can squiz through the discography on the sidebar for track names, but better still, just head on over to Spotify or iTunes or Google Play where all digital releases go nowadays.
After all, every play counts.
Yes, it's that time again where I've released some more material.
This album is a collection of songs that used to be in the repertoire of my old old old band Vega V. These songs fell by the wayside as the band evolved and got different members and roles changed. These songs were always kind of fun to play, except they stopped fitting the concept of the band, and so they went into the bottom drawer where such songs go to sleep.
I guess I never gave up on these songs.
I think I read somewhere where Pete Townshend was talking about how he is attached to the songs from the earliest part of his oeuvre. It makes sense - the earliest songs are the songs where the most natural inclinations of the artist come out in the most natural way. It's the songs after no.100 that get very difficult for all parties, including the artist. The artist has to stretch harder contort harder, reach harder, in order to find new material that is satisfying that also has some kind of continuity - no matter how tenuous - to the material that came before. not to compare myself to titans like Pete Townshend or a God like J.S. Bach, but after a thousand and eighty odd bits of composed music, it's no wonder 'Art of the Fugue' is the most convoluted, baroque piece by Bach. Everybody else gets weirded out way before they get to 1080 bits of music.
Speaking for myself, after a mere measly three hundred or so, I decided to go back and re-explore my earliest bits of music. This is the stuff I was doing before I completely weirded myself out. These are the songs from long before I stopped making sense to myself; a time back when where I could spell out each chord and they would mesh, euphonious, into the next chord.
So, there they are, recorded and mixed with the help of 21st Century tech and knowhow, brought back to life like some dinosaur in Jurassic Park. You can squiz through the discography on the sidebar for track names, but better still, just head on over to Spotify or iTunes or Google Play where all digital releases go nowadays.
After all, every play counts.
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