
'Nobody's Looking Now'

Goodbye iComp Edition

It's been over a month since iCompositions.com closed its virtual doors and all I can do is try and pick up the pieces. It's hard. We all relied on it being there in semi-perpetuity, and when you have something like that taken out of your life, you're forced to scramble.

By the way, apologies for being away a few weeks. Life, as it has a habit of doing, got in the way.

This track was written during the early years of my time at iComp. In fact it was written early in my time at the wretched Lighting Company with the shitty little boss, but hey, some of these things are linked together in a time for no good reason. It was more related to the fact that I binge-watched 'High Fidelity', 'Grosse Pointe Blank' and 'Being John Malkovich' with a friend.

That is to say, the concept of the song was to make it like some movie where you'd cast John Cusack. It's not really how I feel, it's supposed be how this character feels. The only problem is that people are wont to interpret songs as confessional and somehow illuminating the inner machinations of my emotional life. Uh, no. (You can got 'Kitsches fo Pain' for that sort of thing).
Unfortunately, this is not one of those songs.

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