
'Burning Shrubbery'

It's An Instrumental

So there's not much to say. It is, how ever...  uh... orgasmic. I'll promise you that!

I will say this instead: I saw 'BlackKKlansman' by Spike Lee tonight. It's a delightful movie with some amazing bits of casting. it was funny watching the thing in Leichhardt of all places where once Italian emigres ruled supreme. I turned and saw most of the  audience were ageing white folk. I couldn't tell if the message and the dialectics and the didacticism hit home, or perhaps not.

It's funny Spike Lee necessarily talks about the race conflict and identity, but it ends up demonstrating that perhaps socio-economic factors have a greater impact on people than identity. Some of the good ol' boys Spike Lee mercilessly portrays as idiots are clearly products of a deprived stratum of society. It's not just fear of the black uprising and incredibly low IQs that makes them join the Klan. They're also the product of economic deprivation. The film walks up to the door to Marxism and stops short. All the same, it's a fun film worth the price of the ticket.

And now, here's the track of the day:

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