
Weirder By The Day

A Plea To Russia (To Hack And To Love)

There's been an undercurrent of extreme strangeness to Donald Trump's candidacy running for the office of POTUS. Even so, this takes the cake:
Philadelphia: Just as experts are studying whether the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's computers represent a genuine national security threat, Republican candidate Donald Trump behaves like the political version of a child left to play with a pistol in a sandpit – so we watch in horror as Trump urges Vladimir Putin to keep up the good work. 
Confirming an oft-stated criticism that he lacks any capacity to consider complex issues beyond a crude "what's in it for me", Trump's response to what cyber security analysts say is an unprecedented Russian intrusion amounted to a would-be president sanctioning espionage by a foreign power on a secretary of state and the political party she represents. 
Asked on NBC if he had any qualms about a foreign country such as Russia engaging hackers to exploit Hillary Clinton's emails, Trump responded simply and categorically: "No." 
Conflating the June hacking of the DNC computers, which led to a politically embarrassing leak of 20,000 internal emails on the eve of the Democratic convention, and the ongoing saga of Clinton's controversial email habits while serving as secretary of state, Trump used a press conference in Florida to speak across the world: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing - I think you'll probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

If that's not at the darkest end of the Fifty-Shades-of-Weird that is Donald Trump's campaign, I don't know what is. Contrary to other opinions, I don't think we've seen a candidate like this before. 

It's all been so weird there are people thinking it must be something like this thing here from Jimmy Kimmel Live.

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