A couple of days ago, I posted up the notion that the Rudd Removal by the faction bosses might have been linked to Prisoner X more than the bad polls surrounding the Mining Tax at the time. That is to say, Kevin Rudd looking in to the passport used in the Dubai Hit may have triggered a sequence of events that led to Mark Arbib being activated as a CIA asset.
I admit, I don't really know that to be true or even likely. For all we know the CIA paid Mark Arbib to tell them which brand of socks Kevin Rudd likes to wear. We'll never know unless we beat the truth out of Mark Arbib, but we don't really support torture do we? Or do we?
Anyway, here's something that fits the jigsaw a bit more today:
Australian Jewish community leaders were privately highly critical of what they considered to be an overreaction by former prime minister Kevin Rudd and then foreign minister Stephen Smith to allegations that Israeli intelligence used Australian passports in an operation to assassinate a militant Hamas leader in Dubai in January 2010.
Following the Government's decision to expel a senior Israeli intelligence officer from Israel's embassy in Canberra in May 2010, Mr Rudd and Mr Smith attempted to defuse tension by inviting six Jewish community representatives, including then Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Robert Goot, for discussions at a private kosher dinner at The Lodge. The meeting was also attended by Labor MPs Michael Danby and Mark Dreyfus.
So Kevin Rudd and company weren't fooling around. They were really looking into it and rattling cages. That this might have been uncomfortable for some (or many) espionage agencies is not that much of a leap. The Jewish community leaders of Australia were unhappy about it - Imagine how Mossad felt about it.
What would they have said to the Prime Minster? "be careful what you go looking for Mr. Rudd"...maybe? While this doesn't prove anything, you can chalk it up as another piece of the jigsaw.
Is The Jig Up For Julia?
The polls were indeed terrible, and suddenly there's a tidal wave of opinion consigning her to the dustbin of history. It's one bad poll, people! Except that's all it took to remove Kevin Rudd, so you wonder why the Caucus drags its heel to what was blindingly obvious one year ago.
Most senior ministers contacted on Monday appeared to be sticking with the Prime Minister but many said the numbers in the poll could not be ignored.
''It's simple arithmetic,'' said one. ''We can't go to an election with these numbers.''
Asked if the situation would come to a head when Parliament resumed, one minister responded: ''I don't see how it can't''.
He said he remained loyal to Ms Gillard but conceded there had been a discernible shift in momentum towards Mr Rudd in the past fortnight.
This so called momentum shift is pretty stupid and late in the game. The opportunity to fix this was March last year. Instead they trashed Kevin Rudd and hobbled any notion of riding his popularity to the polls. He's saying now he's out - which doesn't mean much in politics except he does seem to mean it - so I don't really know how they think they're going to swing a Rudd return.
Best guess is they'll attempt a Crean return or they'll draft Bill Shorten - anything but Rudd, they'll say - and watch the polls continue to suck for the ALP because "not-Julia-Gillard" isn't going to get it done for the electorate if they want to retain office. At this point in time, the question isn't if they've screwed the pooch, but how many more times will they get to screw the pooch before 14th September when we'll be mercifully rid of these bastards. This is going to be a new kind of social torture, all the way down to the bottom of the metaphorical hill with the light at the top, where there's probably a cesspit of corruption and backstabbing; and you couldn't say they didn't have it coming.
Things are so bad I think we deserve to be punished by a Tony Abbott Government. And I'm still going to donkey vote.
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