
My Song Of The Week

Carolina Hard Core Ecstasy

At long last I've finished my version of Frank Zappa's song off 'Bongo Fury'. Yeah, yeah, who else but Kim Basinger putting on her best "Fuck-me-face".

Here is the song page.

It's taken *months* to get around to finishing this thing. I've been piecing it together bit by bit, but nonetheless it has been a difficult track to do. Consider this version a sort of etude of sorts.
I thought the song was relatively uncomplicated but when you get down to the brass tacks of this song you find so much detail, it's amazing. That might be the last time I lightly and blithely go, "I know, I'll try and do that Frank Zappa song!"
Frank's stuff ain't easy.

Even so, I am tempted to think about 'Broken Hearts Are For Assholes' and 'Bobby Brown Goes Down'. Maybe another year. :)

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