
Is iComp Dead?

Crashing RAID Arrays

iCompositions has been off-line for a couple of days now. All of my (and Coelacanth's) glorious music is not accessible any more. The site then put up a temporary thing explaining what was going on in terms of data recovery but it didn't sound like they had anything. They are now sending the drives to Drivesaver to recover the data, hoping that it all comes back.

In the worst case scenario, nothing comes back and all that 4 years worth of community communiques will go up in smoke. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Aftr havig bagged it out for a little while now, I sort of feel a certain amount of fondness for the site conveners and I do have some pretty cool contacts there.

The bright side of a total devastation restart would be that it's always nice to start from scratch again.

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