
My Song Of The Week

Silly Love Songs

I know it's perverse for a mighty cynic like me to do a version of this song except for the fact that I was a big fan of Paul McCartney's bass playing on this song.
So fast forward many years and here I am doing a version.


Anonymous said...

Nice work, Art. Really brightened up my day.

However, I distinctly remember a conversation circa 2000 when you and a certain online editor insisted that John Lennon was a much superior composer to Paul McCartney. In fact your argument was along the lines that John was the driving force behind the Beatles, and that Paul's stuff was mediocre pop that filled out their album's in between John's stuff.

Have you changed your opinion on this matter?



Art Neuro said...

Complex difficult question.

I liked McCartney's stuff more as a kid. But it's Lennon's numbers between '65 and '70 that have remained on my listening list with more listens on iTunes.

In that sense, I suspect Lennon's work has a deeper impact on me as music. With time, the appeal of McCartney's stuff has sort of faded/receded.

But I also think McCartney did better work between 1970 and 1980.

So it's not really a changed opinion as such. More like a constantly shifting emphasis in critical understanding.
We all grow old and hopefully wiser.

Though doing Silly Love Songs is something I've always had half a mind of doing.

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