Nobody's Looking Now
I don't know where my dark moods come from. They're like that black dog that suddenly lunges at you, but ("Hey-Hey Mama!") a 'Black Dog' is more depression. Maybe it's more like a Black Possum or a Black Wombat. When the black moods overcome you, you sort of spend days thinking there's absolutely no point to anything whatsoever and that the world is a cold, malicious place and people's best intentions look like outright acts of hypocrisy and bloody-mindedness - when clearly in retrospection, they're not.
Is it a mid-life crisis?
Again? I've been having those since I was 16. Whatever the case, the best thing to do with these things is to turn them in to art; it doesn't matter if they turn into good ones or bad, just sublimate those moods!
Anyway, I've been working on this number for some weeks now because it's the first new song I've written on guitar since Astronaughty.
here it is.
Check it out, or get attacked by the black wombats!
A really really great song Art Neuro. Love the chorus. One of your best!
Thanks man!
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