Works In Progress
I haven't really talked about my own film projects lately because I've found people's response to 'Key Psycho' so disappointing. Actually, people don't watch it when I give it to them, which is possibly worse than if they rang me up to tell me how fucken awful it is. Instead they say, "I haven't watched it yet."
Christ almighty, that's 4 years of my life but you can't bring yourself to watch a 60minute piece? Great!
The deafening silence has me kind of crawling off to do my next project with less confidence in my own aesthetic and judgment. It's crippling to face a project thinking "okay, maybe I don't have all the answers"
Yet I feel I ought to. This must be the nagging doubt Jane Campion was talking about all those years ago. Well, I can't imagine her having failed as much as I have, so I'll take that with a pinch of salt. And that took me a big dent in the pride to admit that.
I guess I haven't exactly noticed her making classic films lately so maybe things have finally caught up with Ms Campion too.
Anyway I am working with KJ on a story outline about a family on the Sydney North Shore where the matriarch widow with 3 grown kids is having an affair with a wealthy man who turns out to be Drug Lord. It's based on a true story I've heard. Anyway, The working title has been 'North Shore Depseradoes" which is about as sexy as a Playboy centrefold spread of Amanda Vanstone ("Eeeuw!"). Today we've christened it 'Crashing By Design' which is a more sensible title. We'll see how we go with that one.
The musical project known as Coelacanth continues to chug away. I think we're at the 3/4 mark in terms of putting the album together. It takes a long time to do anything good. I ought to resign myself to that, but even so I feel like I have to relearn that chestnut every few weeks. If you're going to do anything creative, never do them by halves. The only problem with that formula is that you just don't know what full-throttle gets you on any given day.
Such is life. We'll get there by hook or crook. it's going to be a nice record.
Other Musical Stuff
I'm also working on a Mod-Revival revival kind of song. It's called 'Nobody's Looking Now' and it's a song about loneliness, boredom, alienation and the end of happiness and the beginning of existential ennui. I don't set out to do these things with such a concept... they just turn out that way when I start combining ideas and sounds. Once again, this is a slow process but it does have the benefit that I only have to please myself. Some days I think this sort of thing stops me from committing suicide or running to politics.
Firstly, interesting movie topic .. seems almost close to home.
There had better be a a spot for my car in this project.
Secondly, why wasn't I offered to view your last project. I am often in possession of an hours worth of free time.
I can however predict despite having not seen the last film that is was/is "mostly crap with a few good redeeming moments... 2.5 stars."
How about "He's rich you know" as a title for the film.
Check out my latest thread on
What we don't know does hurt us
by Norman Augustine who is chairman of the Lockheed Martin Corporation and a member of the engineering faculty at Princeton University.
Would love to get a response from chris too.
I loved the last movie
5 stars !!
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