Another Ugly Year In AFL Fantasy
Both my fantasy teams are headed to the dogs this year.
My AFL team is coming a solid 13th in a 16 team league. My team has won all of 2 games and is the 3rd most scored upon team; and yet I've managed to outscore my opponents in aggregate by a small margin.
One way of looking at it is that I've been very unlucky with the competition, that the true talent level of my team is closer to .500, but as it stands, I'm on 2 wins and 7(!) losses. Even if I were at 5-4, it would only put me at 9th which is not good enough to crack the post season.
Another way of looking at it is that the set-up of this league really sucks: There's not much I can do with the roster in that league so it's just the luck of the draw. Maybe I'm going to see easier competition the rest of the way.
Yet another way of looking at is that Team depth doesn't translate into anything special. I'm having to go back to Stars& Scrubs next year.
PS Barry Hall might be out for the rest of the season. *Gulp!*
Doldrums In The Middle of The Pack
I'm stuck in the middle with my team in the Jack Kerouac Memorial League. It's a tough league where nobody trades. That's not true; there have been 2 trades all year, however both of them were instigated by and inivolving me. Otherwise people's expectations of what a fair trade is, is pretty ridiculous.
I won't go into it in detail, but the last 3 trade offers I've made have only got scoffing rejections and not even a counter-offer. This isn't from a winning team, but another team in the middle of the pack. Everyboddy wants me to unload Jeter for a relief ace. I already HAVE relief aces. Why I should trade a .900OPS Shortstop for a Closer, no matter how good, escapes me. I should get a top 20 hitter.
I guess I'm going to scratch around the edges with the Free-Agent pool all year and finish 6th. How depressing. :(
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