The World Is Worse Off Than You Think
One of the vicarious *pleasures* of being freelance is that when you're in a lull, you can just
watch telly during the day and not feel guilty. Like when David Suzuki talks at the National Press Club and gets broadcast.
THE Prime Minister, John Howard, has been branded an international outlaw whose decision not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on climate change will be seen as a "crime against future generations".It was quite a spectacular spit. I guess being 70, he figures he doesn't have much to lose by saying it as plainly as possible. He was very plain-speaking and frank about what is wrong about a bunch off issues. He also pointed out Australia had lost its credibility for not signing the Kyoto Protocol so it had lost its persuasive power to negotiate against whaling.
David Suzuki, the Canadian environmentalist, criticised the Federal Government and said the whole country should be engaged in the debate, not just politicians.
"Folks are going to have to start biting the bullet and saying, 'Maybe that land would be better left for other purposes, like letting other species flourish'," he said.
"But it should be done in a much greater forum, to have the whole country engaged in this process, not just a bunch of politicians knee-jerking around and trying to appease this group and deal with that group and trying to put bandages here and there."
"We have become afflicted with an incredible appetite for stuff, for consumption." he said. "We like stuff. We love stuff, and all that stuff comes from the planet."
Children did not know where their food came from or that polluting a river or lake could affect their drinking water, he said.
"We no longer think about the consequences of an interconnected world," Dr Suzuki said.
He does not understand how the smartest species on Earth seems intent on literally eating itself out of house and home.
"I believe that future generations will look back on the inactivity, the unwillingness to do anything, as a crime against future generations. It's outrageous that we are not taking advantage of foresight, our predictive capacity to see where the dangers lie, seize the opportunities and make our way into a more liveable future," he said.
Which is exactly as sensible people thought.
He also pointed out the unlikeliness of Australia meeting its Kyoto Protocol taregt, even though Ian Campbell claims we're going to meet them. If we are, then why don't we sign?
Clearly Mr. Campbell is either wrong (as in mistaken, as in, NOT CORRECT in his information), or he is ignorant of the facts in which case he should get himself educated on the facts, or he is lying. David Suzuki was inclined to believe the Australian Government, bieng made up of politicians, was probably lying.
It was quite the performance and if people walked out of there still thinking that Australia somehow still had a shred of credibility in the environmental stakes internationally, they sure didn't understand what was being said. We look like enironmental vanadals and barbarians mooching away. It's a terrible PR image, but it's there. He was telling us just exactly how our government has let us down totally over the last 10 years. We can lay ALL of that blame at the feet of John Howard.
Just to be sure, I googled "Ian Campbell Minister" and this is what I got.
The Victorian Government has called on the federal Environment Minister to make a final decision about the Bald Hills wind farm.What a chump. Who put this Mongo in the government?
Senator Ian Campbell vetoed the South Gippsland turbines to protect the orange-bellied parrot.
The proponent, Wind Power, has now decided to move six of the turbines away from the coast and out of the parrot's migration path.
Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls says there is no longer any reason for delay.
"All we get from Senator Campbell is delaying tactics, he's called for further consultation, even though this wind farm has gone through an exhaustive process, well the latest round of consultation has now finished, so Senator Campbell's time is up," he said.
Like I keep telling you, we're being governed by pig-headed, ignorant idiots, retards, and morons who are all in denial. *groan*.
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