Shoko Asahara Gets Death Penalty

He got the death penalty.
地下鉄サリンなど13事件で殺人など6つの罪に問われ、1審で死刑を言い渡されたオウム真理教麻原彰晃被告(51=本名松本智津夫)について、最高裁第3小法廷(堀籠幸男裁判長)は15日、控訴趣意書の提出遅延を理由に裁判を打ち切った東京高裁の決定を支持、弁護側の特別抗告を棄却する決定をした。27人の命を奪う未曽有の事件を引き起こした責任を問う裁判は、初公判から10年5カ月、控訴審が一度も開かれないまま終結。同被告の死刑が確定した。The creepy guy that he is, he never went into any discussions with his lawyers, and never really discussed his side of the story. He was probably aiming for the insanity plea, but the supreme court judges didn't buy it. After it was reported that he yelled out "I'm innocent. It wasn't me. I'm being framed. It's a set up", the judges decided that he knew the charges levelled agianst him exactly, and therefore was no insane. Once that was decided, it was a speedy verdict and they've even thrown out the appeal.
The damn shame of it all is that we'll never get to find ou the rest of the inner workings of the Aum Supreme Truth Set and they weird and wacky plots. On the other hand, there are plenty of crazy mullahs out there inciting a jihad, so the world isn't exactly short of 'religeous crazy'.
The Pope Mouths Off

"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." These were not the Pope's words, but those of an obscure Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos, back in the 14th century. And yes, the Pope did make it clear he was offering a quotation. Even so, these words fell from the lips of the spiritual leader of a billion Christians without anything like enough qualification. There was no phrase distancing himself from the claim that Muhammad was responsible for evil. It's little surprise, therefore, that the remarks have roused anger and demands for a personal apology.So, he's quoting somebody, but that's a bit dodgy. It's caused a furore in 24hours, but of course, after all that, he goes making another churlish speech about the Islamists of the world, again.