"Asking For It" In Iran
They used to have this expression which is now totally politically incorrect.
As in, a rapist or a woman-beater says in his defense, "she was asking for it".
Well it's probably just as politically incorrect to say this but Iran is"asking for it".
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's president said on Friday his country would pay no attention to international calls to halt its nuclear work, hours before the U.N. atomic watchdog reports on whether Tehran has met U.N. Security Council demands.Yeah, right. They're really going to buy that one Mr. Ahmadinejad.
"Those who want to prevent Iranians from obtaining their right, should know that we do not give a damn about such resolutions," Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a rally in northwest Iran, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Mohamed ElBaradei, chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), is expected to tell the council and the agency's board on Friday that Iran has not stopped enriching uranium or fully answered IAEA queries as the U.N. body asked a month ago.
The West accuses Iran of pursuing a civilian nuclear programme as a cover to acquire atomic bombs. Tehran denies it.
"Enemies think that by ... threatening us, launching psychological warfare or ... imposing embargos they can dissuade our nation to obtain nuclear technology," Ahmadinejad said in the town of Khorramdarreh, in Zanjan province.
"Whether enemies like it or not, Iran is a nuclear state. Obtaining nuclear technology is a national demand," he said.
Iran said this month it had for the first time enriched uranium to the level used in power stations and vowed to pursue large-scale enrichment.
Ahmadinejad also said the Islamic Republic's nuclear programme posed no threat to international peace and security, as Western leaders contend.
I've been re-reading the events that led to the war in Pacific again in recent weeks but have come to the conclusion that rightly or wrongly both the Japanese and US leadership were wanting to have that stoush; and they got it. I'm looking at the pattern of events here and the isolation into which Iran has fallen and the only historic precedent I can see is 1930s Japan.
As far as I can advise, Iran can kiss its peace goodbye if they are going down this road. It's going to feel good while they beat their chests, posture and strut like they're big men on the world stage, but boy is it going to hurt when the nightly carpet bombings start and infrastructure gets knocked out in surgical strikes and kids get killed and the tanks roll in and the hospitals get over-loaded with the injured and the shit generally hits the fan. Then there'll be the obligatory Iranian mum crying over her dead kid on the News saying "How can you do this inhuman thing to our people?"
Didn't we see this with Iraq a couple of years ago? You want 'nuclear'? Try depleted core uranium rounds lodged into your water table permanently. These Americans are serious ASSHOLES who care naught about your claims. Iran, your perceived righteousness is peanuts in the scheme of things global. The West doens't give a shit about your righteous claims; you're sitting on too much oil for niceties.
My advice? Stop dicing with death, Iran. Avoid the war altogether and buckle, kids, buckle. Grow up and eat humble pie. Take the deal offered by the Brits and the French and the Germans. It's going to hurt a lot less without the bloodshed - All else is Pride and Marcellus Wallace will tell you, "Pride is going to fuck with your head".
Go down in the first round like the big man says.
Part of the problem is that Iran isn't going to be allowed to be a nuclear power while a crazy Theocracy established by the late Ayatollah Khomeini is in place. And their Prime Minister is this guy who orchestrated the 1979 Tehran Embassy-jack. Sometimes who you you are is the biggest obstacle in arriving at Peace.
This is a guy who has not yet paid for a crime he committed a long time ago and I can't imagine the US Marhsall types who come up with policy in DC saying "you know what, let's let this guy have his way. Who gives a shit about this oil-producing towel-head nation getting nukes?"
Can you imagine Tommy Lee Jones saying that in his US Marshalls role?
Can you? I didn't think so. :)
Brace yourself for much ugliness and my prediction is still war in June.
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