A Fair Kick To The Groin
Following last week's total Hollywood celebrity mutual masturbation session known as The Golden Globes, we find this little media idiocy unfolding. George Clooney has lived up to his Team America F.A.G. membership and let loose his lips with some funny quip:
George Clooney's quip about controversial Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff during the Golden Globes has erupted into a war of words, with Abramoff's Rancho Mirage father responding to what he called a "glib and ridiculous attack" on his son.It's got to be said that Jack "-off" was not somebody who happened to accidentally cause a great loss to the public purse but somebody who confessed to fraud and tax evasion, and copped a plea bargain. He's hardly a tragic figure worthy of the word 'tragedy'; he is a buffoon born of greed and corruption inherent in the process of US Democracy.
Frank Abramoff, in a letter addressed to the actor and sent to The Desert Sun on Thursday, said it was "astonishing" to see Clooney - during his acceptance speech for best supporting actor for "Syriana" at the Golden Globes on Monday - thank Jack Abramoff "just because" and then comment about the lobbyist's name.
"Who would name their kid Jack with the last word 'off' at the end of your last name? No wonder that guy is screwed up," Clooney said during the internationally televised awards show.
The story was broken Thursday afternoon on www.thedesertsun.com.
Abramoff, a well-known Washington lobbyist and associate of several top Republican leaders, pleaded guilty to conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion Jan. 3 in a plea agreement. He has agreed to cooperate with a federal influence-peddling investigation that could focus on as many as 20 members of Congress.
The situation, which has sent Washington politicos reeling, could become the worst ethical scandal to rock Capital Hill in recent years.
In the two-page letter, Frank Abramoff furiously defends the name, saying his son is named after Frank's father. Abramoff called Clooney's acts a "lapse in lucidity" and an "obscene query."
George Clooney on the other hand is actor/director/professional buffoon - he's hardly a person who is persuasive enough to change the course of US politics let alone the opinion of 19 million celebrity watchers around the globe. Let's face it, 75% of them were chicks checking out ball gowns.
What's kind of cool is this bit where George Clooney's father Nick Clooney has a shot at Frank Abramoff:
In a phone interview, Nick Clooney said he wasn't surprised by his son's "off-hand and flippant" remarks, but did relate with Frank Abramoff's concerns.Well, it was hardly a 'tirade', Frank Abramoff. It was a quip that looked largely obscure to a worldwide audience. The world certainly does not revolve around you, sir! What a toad. As for this girl, I think it would be traumatic to have your family ridiculed by a Hollywood star on global telly, but it's also true that the girl would not have been placed in such a position if her father hadn't gone and done some criminal things. As insensitive as it sounds, there's such a thing as a 'fair cop'. The Abramoff family just have to suck it up and cop the ridicule sweet. To suggest they were the offended is like a thief saying he's offended by the sentence handed out to him.
"I understand what it is like to have one's son criticized in a very public way," Clooney told The Desert Sun. "It's very painful and it's very difficult.
"The difference here, and it must be said, is Mr. Abramoff's son, instead of pursing some positive efforts to do what he hoped would change the climate of the American politics, has confessed and has been convicted by that confession of subverting the political process," Nick Clooney said.
"It's not Mr. Abramoff Sr.'s fault that (Jack) turned out to be who he is any more than it is to my credit that my son turned out to be what he turned out to be."
Frank Abramoff said he wasn't planning to watch the Globes, but received calls from friends on the East Coast who saw the show live and suggested that Abramoff turn on the television.
Jack Abramoff's 12-year-old daughter cried when she watched the "tirade," Frank Abramoff wrote.
My advice to the girl: "You're the 12 year old daughter of a CRIMINAL!!! Learn to live with it." It's certainly not George Clooney's fault your father's in the clink. The same goes to this Frank Abramoff , who is clearly without a public conscience for having raised a shameless son (and this is where I do part company with the opinions of the elder Clooney); it is no surprise at all that the father knows no shame either.
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