Jaret Wright must feel as though there's a bull's-eye on his back -- not to mention his neck, chest and elbow.
Bruised by a line drive again, Wright was ineffective and the Toronto Blue Jays ended New York's five-game winning streak Saturday with a 7-4 victory over the Yankees.
``A bat, two balls -- I don't know,'' Wright said. ``When it keeps happening, it's definitely frustrating.''
A bat and two balls you say. That would look like a...
He's only got one more shot at redemption in the 30 September game against the Red Sox. If he dominates them at Fenway, he's a hero; if he loses that one he's a bust. If he gets hit by a come-backer again he's a fricken' monkey's ass. Having said all that, at the bottom of my heart, I've decided I'll root for this guy to pitch well. Not only do the Yanks need him to do well, I feel sorry that he hasn't really been able to pitch at his peak level too often this season. He deserves to let us know why he was considered good bet by the Tampa brass, and that he has a shot at 'life as a good pitcher after Atlanta'.
He might be a crappy, injury prone guy, but the performance peaks have been high, and he's certainly been game. He's sort of the Ace in the hole that could turn out okay yet. I certainly don't expect Aaron Small to win the next 2 games.
The Yanks took a 4-7 loss to the Blue Jays while the Bosox won, so they are now tied in the lead for the AL East. 9 games to go. Even if the Yanks sweep the Orioles and take out the rest of the two games with the Blue Jays, they'd need to be another game better than the Bosox to go into the Boston Series on top. Chances are, both teams will go 4 wins from 7 games before they meet, so this is going down to the wire.
Bet we knew that before today. :)
Shark Attack Again

A surfer is recovering in hospital from lacerations to his legs after being attacked by a shark at a remote location off Kangaroo Island, south of Adelaide today.I ain't going' back into the sea down there.
The 25-year-old man was surfing with a group of four friends near Cape du Couedic, on the island's south-western tip in Flinders Chase National Park, when he was bitten by a great white shark about 12.05pm (CST).
Cape du Couedic is not a renowned surfing location and is famous for its magnificent sandstone lighthouse that was erected in 1909.
Today's attack follows one on Friday, when surfer Brad Satchell fought off a shark by punching it in the head at Perth's Scarborough Beach. Mr Satchell was not injured.
SA Ambulance spokesman Lee Francis said following today's shark attack, the man was treated at the scene before being airlifted to the Flinders Medical Centre where he underwent surgery for lacerations to both of his legs.
"He's very lucky to be alive on this occasion," Mr Francis said.
"It could've been a fatal attack if it wasn't for the quick-thinking of his friends."
Two of the man's friends dragged him out of the water after the attack and pulled their injured mate onto rocks at the base of a cliff, before climbing up steep cliffs to make an emergency call from a nearby ranger station.
National Parks and Wildlife officer Anthony McGuire, who was on duty at the time of the incident, said while emergency crews were notified immediately they took some time to arrive because of the remoteness of the location.
"It's a fairly rugged spot and it's a long way from Adelaide - it's not really a common surfing beach either," Mr McGuire said.
Today's incident is the latest in a series of recent shark attacks in South Australian waters.
BC35 once told me that they see Great Whites all the time as they windsurf between the mainland and Kangaroo Island. Clearly, they've got a taste for us now.
Pleiades Mailbag-Drop

Weather Wars?
The number one with a bullet from the mailbag is this page at NASA showing the pictures and video of how a hurricane evolves.
There's also this link on the more out-there takes on these pics. And I warn you, their conviction that this is part of the 'weather wars' is pretty un-nerving.
Next up...

What's Going On here?
I haven't a clue. However, check this out.
First, it was Brits being arrested by Iraqi police.
Then it was allegations that they shot some Iraqi police. Why would they do that?
Then it turns out they were from the SAS. Oka-a-aay
Then the Brits 'rescue' them (read bust them out) with tanks and helicopter gunships. Now that's like some Hollywood movie.
Then the British government denies it happened and says the prisoners were handed over after negotiations.
British troops had arrived at the police station where the two men were being held and encircled the building, where they were attacked by demonstrators with stones and petrol bombs.Naturally, the Arab take on it is incredulous
One soldier was seen engulfed by flames tumbling from a tank and gunfire was exchanged between the two sides, leaving three soldiers injured and two civilians dead while 15 others were injured.
Earlier an MoD spokesman said: "We can confirm that two military personnel were detained by Iraqi authorities earlier today."
He added: "We are continuing to try to thrash out with the Iraqi authorities what's happened and what can be done. We are trying to get to the bottom of what happened but at the moment we don't know."
Photographs showed the unshaven pair in custody, dressed casually in T-shirts and trousers, and sitting on the floor with their hands behind their backs.
One of the men had his head swathed in bandages and appeared to have bloodstains on his top. The other, who apparently had blood smeared on his trousers, had plasters on his head.
Nadhim al-Jabari, the Basra provincial council's spokesman, said the two men were likely to go before an Iraqi court. It was unclear if they had yet been charged.
He said top officials from Basra province were negotiating to defuse the crisis.
The Basra governor called the rescue of two Britons from the city's jail by British troops a barbaric act of aggression.
Mohammed al Waili, the governor of the province, said the British raid was "barbaric, savage and irresponsible".
"A British force of more than 10 tanks backed by helicopters attacked the central jail and destroyed it," he said.
"This is an irresponsible act."
He added that the British force had spirited the prisoners away to an unknown location.
Yet the BSBC, along with the rest of the Western media continues to put out endless reams of disinformation about ‘al-Zarqawi’ and his connection to the fictitious ‘al-Queda in Iraq’. Given the long-held assertion by the West that goes back to 2003, that Iraq was on the verge of ‘civil war’, it’s instructive to note that as the military situation of the occupation forces has deteriorated, so too has the level of so-called al-Queda operations increased, in a transparent attempt to divide the Iraqi national resistance, thus the increasing stories about impending civil war and the wave of ‘suicide’ bombings.Right.
The exposure of the undercover SAS operations will only add to the resolve of Iraqi resistance forces to step up their campaign to expel the occupiers regardless of what kind of blatant propaganda line the UK government puts out.
It furthermore exposes the untenable position of the Iraqi ‘government’ which is now being squeezed by both sides, thus we get contradictory positions from the Iraqi ‘government’, with one denying that the SAS operatives had been handed over to ‘Shiite militia’ and the other trying desperately to tread an almost invisible line between condemning the actions of the British government whilst blaming the actions of the Iraqi police in Basra on ‘insurgents’ who have ‘infiltrated’ the police force. Yet it is a fact that at best, perhaps only 25% of the Iraqi military can be relied upon to serve their colonial masters.
Continuing to call them insurgents is itself an admission that the majority of Iraqis are opposed to the occupation and indeed, the bulk of the fighting is being carried out by the Kurdish Peshmerga as Iraqi forces simply cannot be relied on. It’s a classic situation that the US and UK military top brass know only too well having ‘been there and done that’ before.
Thus the occupiers become more desperate to destabilise the situation and no doubt we’ll see more SAS and US provocations revealed over the coming weeks as the situation continues to deteriorate.
So who do you believe? Who washes the Washmen?
More on 'Weather Warfare'
There's this link to 'Weather warfare'.
Inside it is this link
Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they canThat's all very cyberpunk and I'm probably like the Danny DeVito character in 'LA Confidential' when I say, "It's all on the hush hush, on the QT". Somebody is compiling this stuff; but some of our good friends have been saying for sometime these statements on their own are weird but taken as a whole, might indicate something- an 'insight' for which I credit Mr. 'Avon Brandt'.
alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the
use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out
there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon
other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to
intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important."
—Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen
DoD News Briefing, Monday, April 28, 1997
"All countries, where appropriate, should develop and implement
resettlement programmes that address the specific problems of displaces
populations in their respective countries."
— Agenda 21, Chapter 7, Section 7.9, paragraph (g)
Latest update for this section: Wednesday, 14-Sep-2005 04:39:12 EDT
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
Air Force report on governmental manipulation of the weather as a tool
to enhance military operations.
Tsunami Bomb NZ's Devastating War Secret
New Zealand Herald, June 30, 2000
"Top-secret wartime experiments were conducted off the coast of
Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal. An Auckland
University professor seconded to the Army set off a series of
underwater explosions triggering mini-tidal waves at Whangaparaoa in 1944 and
1945. Professor Thomas Leech's work was considered so significant that
United States defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed
before the end of the war it could have played a role as effective as
that of the atom bomb."
To Own the Weather
Frontline Magazine, January 1999
"The U.S. has covertly pursued a military operation, launched during
the Vietnam War, to acquire weather modification technology for possible
use in combat."
Weather Modification: The Law
Weather modification, as written into the United States Code.
Sustainable Development and Natural Hazzards Mitigation
Is Weather/Climate Manipulation being used to relocate populations of
people into tightly-controlled sustainable communities, in accordance
with Agenda 21? (pdf format)
"...one of the roadblocks to implementation is the fact that much of
the land within local jurisdictions has already been developed according
to practices and traditions that are far from sustainable... the time
immediately following a natural disaster provides a community with a
unique window of opportunity for inserting an ethic of sustainability...."
(page 19)
Methods of Artificial Weather Manipulation Help Agriculture, Devastate
the Enemy, and Control the World Economy
"Computer models obviously focused on the ionosphere, which acts as a
filter for the solar radiations to reach the earth. If one can
manipulate and control the filter, it becomes a potential source of massive
weather modification."
Katrina Fuels Global Warming Storm
Human activity is blamed for a phenomenon called "global warming".
Articles like this one from the CONtrolled press, often quote "experts" who
say rising temperatures are causing weather anomalies. At the same
time, they fail to mention who the experts are, and that there are many
experts who do not agree with the global warming rhetoric.
The Leipzig Declaration
"As the debate unfolds, it has become increasingly clear that --
contrary to the conventional wisdom -- there does not exist today a general
scientific consensus about the importance of greenhouse warming from
rising levels of carbon dioxide. In fact, many climate specialists now
agree that actual observations from weather satellites show no global
warming whatsoever... based on all the evidence available to us, we cannot
subscribe to the politically-inspired world view that envisages climate
catastrophes and calls for hasty actions..."
The other thing to look at is this week's Hoagland blog entry where he discusses this stuff.
I'm still undecided as to the nature of this 'scalar technology' because I'm still a sceptic with regards to a technology I don't understand the physics thereof. Just to be sure, I present this link which goes through why 'scalar technology' is utter bunk.
If you do a Google search for "Tesla Scalar Weapon" you will find about 3,810 articles about these "horrible weapons." All of those websites are WRONG. No Scalar device can ever be used as a weapon.Right. I understand that scientific line of thought. It's properly reasoned and satisfactory for any sceptic and it even fits my understanding of electro-magnetics.
In science, there are two types of mathematical quantities, Vector and Scalar. A vector quantity has two parts, magnitude and direction. But a scalar quantity only has magnitude or the "scale" of the quantity, but no direction.
Vector Example: When you shoot a bow and arrow or a gun, the arrow or bullet has a magnitude of mass, and it also has a velocity or direction - where you aimed it. If the bullet or arrow is just sitting on the table it has mass, but no direction. So the bullet or arrow is not a weapon until you fire it in some direction.
Scalar Example: There are several examples of scalar measurements. One is the air pressure in your room. Another is the temperature in your room and and third is the electrostatic charge in your room. You can measure the pressure, temperature and electrical charge and it may change, but it has no direction. It is always the same everywhere in the room. Therefore those can never be used as a weapon since they are not aimed at anything.
Can the scalar heat in the oven in your kitchen be used as a weapon? Well, you can stick someone in the oven and that might kill them. But you can't aim the heat from the oven across the room and try to use it as a weapon. As soon as you take the heat from the oven and somehow focus the heat at someone, then that becomes a vector weapon - the direction where the heat is focused. It is no longer a scalar device. An oven by itself is just a scalar device.
The very same is true for any scalar quantity of pressure or electrostatic charge. As scalar devices they cannot be used as weapons, until they are turned into a vector quantity by aiming them in a certain direction. But then they are NOT called Scalar devices. They become Vector weapons.
I now know exactly what Tesla's Scalar Device is and how it works. As a senior scientist and physicist, I have actually built many models and they all work the same way. I made my first one back in 1967, and I've even have had one of my home-made Tesla Scalar devices running in my bedroom for the last 3 years.
Its not a weapon at all, and could never be. It is simply an "air ionizer" which first went on sale as a health device and air cleaner in the 1960's. They are often called Negative Ion Generators. You can buy an updated scalar device as the Spring Aire negative ion air cleaner from Sharper Image.
It will increase the electrostatic charge or scalar charge in your room. That's all a Scalar Device is. It radiates electrons, or electrical energy in all directions. It is not directional or not Vector energy -- it is Scalar or non-directional. The electrostatic energy in your room is a Scalar quantity, just as is the temperature and pressure in your room.
Professor Tesla was clearly an early electronic genius. But, his "Scalar Device" was a big mistake, a complete flop. But then, he could not prove or disprove it 100 years ago. Tesla thought the electrons or negative ions which he measured streaming from the ball on top of his conical RF coil could be spread in all directions and then they could be "rectified" or captured and converted back to DC energy at some remote location.
Tesla actually thought his device could be used to replace the very expensive long-distance electrical transmission lines. He was wrong, but he didn't know it, only because 100 years ago there was no "receiving" device to collect the energy -- so he was never able to test his "scalar invention."
But today we do have such devices to collect non-directional scalar energy. Today we call it Radio. Every AM, FM and TV station in the world is a "Scalar Device" that is not aimed, but broadcasts in all directions. That broadcast scalar energy is gathered out of the air and then the energy is used to make the speakers move in your stereo receiver to make sounds - or move the electrons on your TV screen to make pictures.
So, there are NO hundreds of scalar weapons around the world. And No, they are not used to control the weather. It can be questioned whether the thousands of broadcast scalar devices are being used to control populations by the propaganda and false news they broadcast, but that is not a property of the non-directional scalar waves coming from the radio station.
Therefore: HAARP is NOT a Tesla Scalar device. Especially since, HAARP is a higly focused vector device aimed directly upward at the ionosphere, and nowhere else. And there are NO such things as scalar weapons. Be sure to tell that to all those websites which promote false stories about how the military or the government is using horrible Tesla Scalar Weapons to control weather, the environment, armies or population. And now you know why.
The only people who are using "Tesla's Scalar Weapons" are those people who run websites or sell books in an attempt to terrorize you into believing that horrible Scalar weapons actually exist. These "scalar" terrorists are using the false scalar weapon stories to promote their latest book, or promote themselves.
Some of these "scalar" terrorists may even have advanced credentials, such as a Ph.D., but not in science. Any scientist knows there are no such things as scalar weapons, anymore than there is an elves union at the north pole. Why? Because neither Santa nor Wal-Mart allows unions. Case Closed.
However, weather-war devices might still exist. The Russians had EMP weapons. As in, Electro-Magnetic Pulse weapons designed to scramble computer technology from across the street. The EMP device is portrayed even in 'Ocean's Eleven' where it blows out a whole section of grid (but hey, that's a movie). As observers, we're pretty sure such a device exists at a military grade, with lots of money behind it.
Well, what happens if such a thing got pointed at the Ionosphere for a prolonged period of time? I actually don't know. But I tell you what, these folks are doing exactly that.
Where does that leave us? In the seat knowing that something dastardly might be possible; that some people have the means; they've said they have the means; they've said other have the means; and a crowd of people saying it's already going - but those people also believed a comet was going to hit the North Atlantic earlier this year.
So what do we have? We have Rumsfleds 'Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns' and a perfectly reasonable sceptic's seat.
At best we've only got anecdotal evidence, and snippets of phrases here and there; and lots of speculation. Not knowing is tough. Knowing might be tougher.
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