As usual Pleiades has been sending in a large number of stuff so I'm going to quickly link this stuff and leave it your judgement. They are lsited here in the order they were sent; not in my perceived order of importance:
1. Here's one on the USA's track record on how it gets into wars. It's a must-read, interesting little analysis.
2. Speculation on a conspiracy surrounding the London bombings.
3. Somebody (in their own words) ranting to the effects that the conspiracy is fact.
4. An interesting article raising some questions that ought to be asked about the bombings' timing.
5. A REALLY SCARY atticle about how security exercsise were taking place exactly on the same day that the business of London Bombings went down. Better cache this or save this before it disappears folks.
The fact that the exercise mirrored the exact locations and times of the bombings is light years beyond a coincidence. Power said the drill focused around 'simultaneous bombings'. At first the bombings were thought to have been spread over an hour, but the BBC reports just today that the bombings were in fact simultaneous.
Mr. Power (pictured above) and Visor Consultants need not have been 'in on the bombing' or anything of that nature for this to be of importance. The British government or one of their private company offshoots could have hired Visor to run the exercise for a number of purposes.
The exercise fulfils several different goals. It acts as a cover for the small compartamentalized government terrorists to carry out their operation without the larger security services becoming aware of what they're doing, and, more importantly, if they get caught during the attack or after with any incriminating evidence they can just claim that they were just taking part in the exercise.
This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning.
Got that?
6. An interesting read about some Hollywood directors taking on some interesting projects.
7. A weird blog saying Al Qaeda isn't behind the London Attacks.
Tell me what you think when you've gone through those. :)
Tomorrow, I go in for jury duty. Wish me luck. :)
- Art Neuro
Well, let's say for the moment that the really scary article about the security exercises is accurate. It still leaves a picture of a government manipulating its populace to get the reaction it wants. And maybe that's not so surprising.
The whole Al-Qaeda business is strange too. Al-Qaeda first comes into being when the FBI neededto prosecute the terrorists and decided to use RICO legislation. So the FBI needed there to be an Internationa Terrorist organisation in order to prosecute. That doesn't mean that Al Qaeda exists in a way that suits RICO legislation.
The question sitll remains, is there reall one Al-Qaeda as described by the CIA-FBI, or is it sort of a figment of the Media's imagination that is used to label every angry muslim?
I don't know.
It's also interesting this stuff's being written in such volume. The net's rife with this stuff. It's totally freakazoid. But then DDBALL calls himself a Writer thanks to the Net so what can one say?
Yeah. I agree with that totally.
It's hard to imagine that Bush is doing his thing because he wants to be 'Emperor Palpatine'. I think he sees himself as John Wayne at the Alamo or something. As xenophobic as that is, he still sees tht as good guy but the phobic quality kind of sets up a whole pile of weird shit in the administration because people have to sidestep the phobia in the discourse.
Thanks Chris.
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