
The Ordeal Of The Other Michael Ends
At the time we started this blog, we had very little direction, so one of the first things I picked up on was the Michael Jackson pedophilia trial. Well, it turns out the posterchild for plastic surgeons everywhere, Michael Jackson, has beat the rap. It was unianimous as it wasa criminal trial and all charges were dropped.

The trial seemed to wear Jackson down. He lost weight, and the artist known for his electric, moonwalking performances was rendered motionless, seemingly frozen in his courtroom chair as his private world became utterly public.

Prosecutors portrayed Jackson as being in dire financial straits because of heavy spending. Jackson's "Thriller" album from 1982 is one of the best-selling albums of all time, but his dominance of pop music eroded around the time molestation allegations began to arise in the 1990s.

Although Jackson did not take the stand, the defense used a powerful tape of him shot by his own video cameraman. The jury saw nearly three hours of introspection during which the star talked about his troubled childhood.

"I haven't been betrayed or deceived by children," he said. "Adults have let me down."

Yeah, right. That and indulging every infantile wish and whim that crossed your mind, Mike.
So the upshot is that Michael Jackson can moonwalk the streets once more.

- Art Neuro

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