
Hudson To Go Bravely Into The Future
Tim Hudson, one of the Big 3 traded over the off-season from the Moneyball a's got his gravy train sorted out in a 4-year $47 million contract with the Atlanta Braves.

Hudosn was traded for major league ready prospects. Billy Beane of course moved another of the Big 3, Mark Mudler for prospects. The A's intend to compete this year but are looking to build another run soon. It's going to be very interetsing watching the A's this year; but then again, it always is. :)

SpaceShipOne to Land At Smithsonian
Well, you'd expect it to land at the Air & Space Museum. And now it's confirmed.

The rocket plane will be in good company. It joins the Wright Brother's Wright 1903 Flyer, the Spirit of St. Louis, as well as the Apollo 11 Command Module Columbia that carried the first men to walk on the Moon.

By winning the X Prize it clearly represents a next generation of space travel, possibly one that opens the doors to your average person making it into space, as opposed to trained astronauts and cosmonauts, NASM's Golkin told SPACE.com.

No specific date has been set for the craft to go on public display at the museum, but it will be this year, Golkin said.

The X-Prize competition was fun to follow. I feel strangely empty without it...

- Art Neuro

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