
Juicin' Giambi Apologises. For What Exactly,Who The Hell Knows? (It's sealed)
This just sucks. Jason Giambi holds a press conference to apologise for stuff he can't talk about or admit to, but says for which he's taking full responsibility. Umm, yeah.
Here's the quick list of links already put up on a press conference where learned nothing.

NY Times: A Careful Apology From Giambi (reg req)
NY Times: Putting the Con Back in Confession (reg req)
Newsday: Giambi avoids talk of 'roids
Washington Post: With All Due Apologies (reg req)
AP: Jason Giambi is sorry - and he's not the only one
ESPN: The Yankee inquisition

I'm still quite pissed off about Giambi. Well,I'm pissed off about Gary Sheffield too, and also Barry Bonds, but Sheff said he was unwittingly adminstered with steroids, and Barry Bonds claimed he thought they were flaxseed oil. While I don't necessarily hold with their actual plausible deniability claims, they've got plausible deniability. Giambi has none, and as far as we can tell, brazenly went and took this stuff about which he cannot say anything - except he's sorry. Great.

The Yankees cannot void the rest of his (wrongfully gained) contract. They are stuck with this man who has gone and smeared the taint of steroids all over the proud franchise. The fallout for which is the signings of such non-entities as Tony Womak, Doug Glanville and even the return of Tino Martinez at 1B.

It sucks, but you know, it's also something that 40HRs and 120 RBIS with a .380 OBP in 600 PAs won't solve. That's the reason why it just sucks even more. If he comes back fine, then there was no reason to have tainted the franchise; and if he doesn't, then that's 82 million bucks wasted on a crappy hitter for 4 more years. It's lose-lose for the Yankees unless you re-draw the rules.

- Art Neuro

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