
NASA are rehearsing their next Space Shuttle flight.

This first eight-hour "flight-specific integrated simulation" focuses on the Space Shuttle Discovery's rendezvous and docking with the International Space Station. The simulation includes practicing a new flip, a rendezvous pitch maneuver, that the Space Shuttle performs as it approaches to allow Station crew members to photograph the Shuttle's heat shielding tiles to check their condition.

"This is where we stop just brainstorming and thinking about how we're going to go fly this flight in space," said Lead Flight Director Paul Hill. "This will look and feel to us just like a real flight -- even to the astronauts. Once the clock starts ticking in the simulation, we get the same adrenalin when something bad starts to happen, we get the same rush when we solve a problem that keeps the crew out of danger, as we would during the real thing," he added.

It's been so long you think they've forgotten how to do these.

Brouhaha, Ballyhoo It's Only Talk
The US Senate is arguing about Space Toursim regulation. It looks to be a mess of ieological lines trying to criss cross a nascent industry:

"Regulation for proven technology is a way of ensuring public safety. Regulation
in a developmental area like commercial space is a means of strangling enterprise,'' said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., sponsor of the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004 that passed the House in March.

But Senate Commerce Committee negotiators working on a version of the bill for
Senate passage late last week added language calling for crew and passenger safety. Current law on commercial space flights protects only public health and property and the country's national security and foreign policy interests.

Rohrabacher and industry officials said there was no way inventors building rocket ships could guarantee the safety of passengers they hope to blast into space beginning in 2007. Several senators raised questions and the bill never made it to a vote.

"You're fundamentally changing this legislation from fly at your own risk, but informed risk, to where it's the government's job to protect the safety of the people in these vehicles. And it's just not possible to do that right now,'' said James Muncy, president of PoliSpace, a consulting firm that works with companies on suborbital flight.

And the talks continue. Who would have thought Space Tourism would be this hard?

Who's Your Daddy?
So chanted the Yankee fans at Pedro Martinez as Jon Lieber out-dueled Pedro in a pitcher's duel. The Yankees snuck by 3-1 and now they are 2-0 up in the best of 7 series as it heads to Boston. This start wasn't what they predicted. But let's not try to blow our wads - there are 3 games to come in Fenway, and that's not going to be easy.

Jeter scored in the Bottom of the first and the 1-0 scoreline held until John Olerud hit a 2-run homer making it 3-0. While Boston did take a run back, it was too late as Mariano Rivera came in to slam the door shut. People say they don't script October; I think it's because the old script keeps working. Why change it if itain't broke? :)

- Art Neuro

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