
Art wrote something in the comments section, and I'm replying to it here because I think the discussion is what the blog is about.

Art wrote:

"It may well be exactly as you say. But there's no real quid pro quo here, so I don't know if the Spanish public are going to get what they want.
So they elect a Socialist Govt who pulls the troops out of Iraq. What guarantees have the Spanish got that Al-Qaeda and its allies won't do more stuff in Spain?

If indeed the Spanish got a quid pro quo deal, then that would make it true that the Spanish are breaking ranks with the 'Coalition of the Willing' so that would be more like, 'treachery', not 'appeasement '.

If in fact the Spaniards don't care, and they just want out, then Al-Qaeda have beaten the Spanish hands down. That would be 'capitulation'.

Just thinking out loud here"

Art, you are assuming that the invasion of Iraq somehow threatened Al Qaeda, and that withdrawing from Iraq somehow helps them. The whole point I was making was that your assumption cannot be justified and has never been tested.

Bin Laden's stated objective is to ignite a war between all of Islam, and everything he identifies as un-Islamic (ie, Western society). Did the invasion of Iraq advance or hinder that agenda?

While Saddam was in power, Al Qaeda was unable to operate in Iraq. Now they set off bombs there every 2 weeks. Do you think they want to go back to the old days?

Immediately before the invasion the entire US special operations command moved from Afghanistan to the middle east. What effect did this have on the operations against Al Qaeda?

I am only aware of three ways of reducing the threat of terrorism:

1. Destroying their bases and training camps.

2. Reducing the support they receive, by putting pressure on the individuals and regimes that support them.

3. Arresting/killing operatives in the field.

The invasion of Iraq did nothing to reduce the threat of terrorism, and in fact increased it. What effect is withdrawing from Iraq going to have?

- James Lownie

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