
The New New Album

Seasons Greetings

Got a new album out. It's a collection of 10 songs from before the chaos. 

God I miss iCompositions.

Don't miss the fun.


What You've Got

Falling In Love Too Late 

It's probably a very bad idea to fall in love late in life. Especially if you end up on the long end of the spring-autumn deals. At a certain point a man ought to hang up his hat. It's not like I have anything to share, but I do want to make the observation that when the opposite sex that floats into your orbit could be your grown daughter, you probably should exercise the discretion that gets described as the better part of valour - run the other way if you want to stay sane. 

That said, there are any number of circumstances where such common sense gets thrown out the window. There's no guarantee you will find somebody you need to be during your 20s any more than there is a  guarantee you won't. If you find yourself in those shoes, then the best you can do is to make the most of it. The things that happen in life are pleasantly surprising. You have to take every opportunity that comes your way. 

The nectar of the gods flows freely. If you stumble upon the stream late in life, well, all the more reason why you should respect that moment and run with it. Don't mind what the world says about it. 

Go join the fun.


Grieving Stages

Losing Friends To Time

If you live enough you find you can lose friends in the most surprising ways. They might just move away and you lose touch with them. Or they might simply grow apart from you in interests.They may even die of an accident suddenly or of an acute illness. Those are hard because they leave you with this surprising blank spot in your soul. You don't know what to make of the permanent absence of your friend, wrought by accident or illness. Yet one of the worst may be to lose your friend to clinical mental illness. Those are hard.

They might be there but they might be without continuity of thought. It's disconcerting, because they're physically present, but the mind you knew to be there is impaired. When you're young, you don't expect this stuff to happen to your friends. The sheen of youthful invulnerability can get pulverised by mental illness. Then mental illness drops on them and subsequently you spend years trying to gauge just how much is left of them, and which bits are the illness. And just as if they had died you go through the grieving stages, and come out the other end still wondering what's left.

Over on Spotify.

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